Thursday, June 07, 2018

@Raghuvanshi0035_Safety updates-1

Safety at Lift Maintenance :
Look at the picture and identify the lack of safety concerns and respond to
This is the head of your page. Example HTML page This is the body of your page. 1. Is it safe situation to work
2.What threats can be identified
3.Can we eliminate hazards and ultimately risks
4.Can we reduce the hazards and ultimately risks
5.Can we substitute the risk with lower ones
6.Are engineering controls intact
7.Are administrative control intact
8.Does it seems workers are trained
9.Are all PPEs enough to ultimately save a disastrous situation leading to lethality

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Wednesday, June 06, 2018

@Raghuvanshi0034_Landline & Mobile
Landline & Mobile Phones and present world of our generation :
Landline was and still is single point of bonding since long. With incoming of Mobile phones made all relations mobile... As the name indicates it makes everything mobile... We at our home must make a common location to place all mobiles. It's normal to have minimum two phones with atleast 2 sims.
We must keep our Kids away from mobile 📱 phones. Radiations, too much affection for these gadgets, concentrate approach of kid towards these electronic gadgets are few of many reasons that support my statement to keep these mobile gadgets away from children.
Parents must set examples by using less mobiles when at homes.
Let's keep our family safe, intact and always happy.
Photo Courtsey :whatsapp as received
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